Pottawatomie County Commission / 06.09.2017

A group interested in preserving the old Pottawatomie County Courthouse met with commissioners for a “roundtable discussion” at the Law Enforcement Center in Westmoreland last Tuesday night. In addition to the discussion participants, approximately 25 other community members were in attendance. The group had a prepared list of topics concerning the 1884 courthouse, most of which was generated from items brought up at a previous meeting. Ruby Zabel handled most of the questioning based on the document....

Pottawatomie County Commission / 26.07.2017

The commission agreed to have a roundtable discussion with members of a concerned citizens group to discuss the Pott. County Courthouse and other facets of a proposed long term Facilities Master Plan completed recently for the county. “Our intent is not to bring a bunch of angry people. We don’t need that,” said Ruby Zabel, a member of the citizen’s group. ...